In august, until 09/08, the rain has dropped in the South region, North (with the exception of Tocantins), Northeast coast (From Rio Grande do Norte to Bahia) and Southeast coast (Rio de Janeiro and Espirito Santo). The volumes ranged from 25 to 100 millimeters.
It didn’t rain in the rest of the country, a normal behavior for the period in the year.
From August 10 to 26, the rain must remain in the previously mentioned areas, ranging from 20 to 150 millimeters in the period, with maximum volume at Amazonas’s North region and Rio Grande do Sul’s West region.
The low rain volume is helping the second crop corn harvest. Some water restriction has been reported in Piauí and Tocantins, which is impacting local productivity. In Maranhão, the dry weather has generated some risk of crop fires.
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