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Notificação do foco de aftosa na Argentina – OIE

Quinta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2006 - 12h19

Veja abaixo a notificação oficial do foco de febre aftosa na Argentina junto à Organização Mundial de Saúde Animal – OIE. Foot and mouth disease in Argentina (Date of previous outbreak of foot and mouth disease in Argentina reported to the OIE: August 2003). Translation of information received on 8 February 2006 from Dr Jorge Nestor Amaya, President, National Agrifood Health and Quality Service (SENASA), Secretariat for Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food, Buenos Aires: Report date: 8 February 2006. An outbreak of foot and mouth disease (FMD) virus serotype O was reported in extensively farmed livestock (establishment with a surface area of 6,000 hectares) in San Luis del Palmar, province of Corrientes (27º 30 24.2" S - 58º 22 59.6" W). Date of first confirmation of the event: 8 February 2006. Date of start of the event: 5 February 2006. This is the date of the official intervention after notification was received. Judging by observations at the farm (lesions and clinical signs) and by the preliminary investigations (anamnesis), the event probably started on 26 January 2006. Total number of susceptible animals in the outbreak: 3,012 head of cattle, 30 sheep and 25 goats. Total number of cases: 70 head of cattle. Total number of deaths: 0. Source of outbreak or origin of infection: unknown or inconclusive. The corresponding epidemiological investigations are being carried out, with tracing, inspection and sampling of farms with which there have been animal movements, in order to investigate the origin and probable spread. Control measures A. Undertaken: - quarantine; - movement control inside the country; - vaccination using inactivated oil vaccine (polyvalent – serotypes O, A and C) (Note: As the first FMD vaccination campaign of 2006 in the province of Corrientes started on 1 February, priority will be given to the affected area, primarily by vaccinating all susceptible species in the perifocal area); - disinfection of infected premises/establishment. B. To be undertaken: - stamping out; - screening; - zoning. ********************* OIE Animal Health Information Department information.dept@oie.int ... Further details will be published in the next issue of weekly Disease Information, available on line as from Thursday 9 February 2006 afternoon (GMT). To unsuscribe from the OIE-Info distribution list, please go to http://www.oie.int/infoweb/abonnement/en_resiliation.php
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